Le-Amen Private School is registered with the Department of Education. Registration number: Jw700 400 627 GDE
Le-Amen Private School has been a part of South African education for just under 20 years.
Le-Amen has challenged every traditional and conventional practice in education in our country and become known for trend-setting assessment and guidelines in the distance education market. Their academic success is proven.
Le-Amen is a trail-blazer in innovative and forward-thinking education.
Le-Amen offers every student the opportunity to excel and every student is acknowledged for who they are and for the potential they have.
The child-centred approach is inherent and at the core of Le-Amen. This is the Foundation and the basis of the School.
Le-Amen has always been known for there ongoing commitment to sound education that enables learners to build a strong foundation to ensure that they have the correct tools to succeed in life.
Le-amen is committed to ensure that the relationship between the requirements of the DOE are always implemented and followed whilst implementing the values and beliefs of Le-Amen.
We believe that every student needs the infrastructure, support and love to be able to examine and realise their own potential.
Le-Amen believes that dreams are realized when the relationship between commitment, dedication and a desire to learn collate. Fill in the form with the required documents and either e-mail or fax them back to us